Changes made to LAB3D-SDL by ktpanda ==================================== - SDL2 support LAB3D-SDL has been ported to SDL2.0, which brings several improvements: 1. Fullscreen mode now runs at the native desktop resolution - it's no longer necessary to select your resolution in the setup program. 2. Game controller support - with SDL1.2, game controllers are detected as joysticks, so supporting different controllers meant extra work for each game. - Improved setup program Settings can now be changed from the main menu without launching a separate program. Changes to controls take effect immediately, all other settings require the game to be restarted. - Improved joystick/controller support Joystick buttons and axes can be assigned like keys from the setup program. In addition, UI functions (such as menus) can now be controlled entirely from game controllers or joysticks. - Wall settings/Hi-Res Texture replacement There is now a file called wallparams.ini which defines various parameters for textures. The format is similar to a regular INI file: [wall number] key=value key=value Parameters available: src= Use for the in-game texture instead of the texture from walls.kzp. The image file can be any type supported by SDL_image; however, PNG is recommended because of its features. The image dimensions must be a power of 2, and must be smaller than the maximum texture size of your OpenGL implementation. Multiple textures can use the same image with the 'range' option. Only the in-game texture is replaced. Anything that is drawn to the overlay (statusbar, menus, etc.) will still use the old texture. range= Display only a portion of the texture. Only the horizontal range is affected. shadow= Use as a shadow. The shadow will be drawn whenever the current object is drawn. Only makes sense for sprites. minfilt= magfilt= Override the default magnification or minimization filtering mode for the texture. The value must be one of GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, or GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. wrap= Override the default wrap mode of the texture. The value must be either 'repeat' or 'clamp'. bmpkind= Override the display type of the texture. Values are: 1: regular wall 2,3: face sprite 4: masked wall 5: floor sprite This paramater is most often used to turn a face sprite into a floor sprite (bmpkind=5). Floor sprites are unique to LAB3D-SDL, and are drawn flat on the floor instead of vertically. Floor sprites are used to draw shadows, holes, etc. Note that when wallparams.ini is present, the standard texture transitioning system is disabled. - Boss life meter Whenever a boss is within earshot, a health meter will be drawn at the top of the screen. - Longer explosions In the original Ken's Labyrinth, explosions were only drawn for one frame. In LAB3D-SDL, frame rates are so high that explosions may not be visible at all. Now, all explosions last for 1/15th of a second, regardless of framerate. - No clipping cheat LSHIFT-RSHIFT-R (or CTRL-SHIFT-R) enables noclip mode, which allows you to walk through walls. - Fixed object disappearing In the original, whenever you enter a cell, it's contents disappear. This was probably done because objects looked crappy up close with the software renderer; however, with trilinear filtering, things look just fine up close. - Anisotropic filtering option Anisotropic filtering can be selected in the setup program.